Constitution, By-Laws, and Resolutions

Reviews the Constitution and By-Laws on an annual basis and recommends to the Board of Directors appropriate improvements or changes. Reviews and develops resolutions to be consistent with the overall goals and objectives of the North Dakota Emergency Management Association. Resolutions are to be developed from issues and concerns submitted to the Committee by the Board of Directors. Upon approval of the Board of Directors, any proposed changes to the Constitution and By-Laws and any proposed resolutions will be brought before the membership at the annual meeting.

Brent Nelson – Chairperson (previous member)

Mary Senger (required in by-laws)

Patrick Martin (previous member)

Kathleen Donahue (previous member)

Publicity, Awards, and Citations

Recommends to the Board of Directors appropriate recognition to individuals, agencies, and organizations for outstanding or significant contributions in Emergency Management based on the criteria established by the Board of Directors. Upon approval of the board, makes known the promotion of achievements, accomplishments, purposes, and goals of the Association to the public, the media, and other organizations.

Angela Herda - Chairperson (required in by-laws)

Shawna Davenport (required in by-laws)

Katie Leitch (previous member)

Gary Stockert (previous member)

Kristy Titus (previous member)

Hope Brighton (previous member)

Wendy Willprecht


Recommends to the Board of Directors legislative needs, issues, and activities for the betterment of the Association. Recommendations must be within the realm of Emergency Management and consistent with the goals and philosophy of the Association.

Mary Senger – Chairperson (previous member)

Kelly Haugan (required in by-laws)

Ben Gates (required in by-laws)

Alaynea Decker (previous member)

Patrick Martin (previous member)

Brent Nelson (previous member)

Sarah Duttenhefner (previous member)

Karolin Jappe

Membership, Nominations, and Credentials

Recommends to the Board of Directors appropriate measures to assure that the Association functions and flourishes as intended under the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association. Makes recommendations on how to maintain a strong active membership, selects capable, qualified candidates for nomination as Association directors, and maintains the credentials activity of the Association and its membership.

Brady Scribner – Chairperson (previous member)

Hope Brighton (required in by-laws)

Eric Upton (previous member)

Jessica Jenrich (previous member)

Alice Grinsteinner

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